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Kim, Sung Koo: Wi, Da Som: Kim, Kyung Mi: Effect of media exposure on social development in children. [2023]
Valtorta, Roberta Rosa: Baldissarri, Cristina: Raguso, Guiseppe: D'Ecclesiis, Giulia: Volpato, Chiara: Gender stereotypes and sexualization in Italian children's television advertisements. [2023]
Kearney, Kelly B.: Hall Pistorio, Kalynn: Creating electronic-literacy based behavioral interventions. [2023]
van Steen, Tommy: Mueller, Barbara C. N.: Li, Shuang: Loman, Jeroen G. B.: Buijzen, Moniek: Helping on social media. Self-persuasion and question-behavior effects. [2023]
Xiao, Bowen: Parent, Natasha: Hein-Salvi, Claire: Shapka, Jennifer D.: Shyness and problematic internet use among adolescents and young adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis. [2023]
Mares, Marie-Louise: Bonus, James Alex: Peebles, Alanna: Love or comprehension? Exploring strategies for children's prosocial media effects. [2022]
Goto, Ryunosuke: Piedvache, Aurelie: Hangai, Mayumi: Yamaoka, Yui: Sampei, Mariko: u.a.: Time trends in emotional well-being and self-esteem in children and adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic. [2022]
Yamamoto, Naoki: Morimoto, Yoshiro: Kinoshita, Hirohisa: Kumazaki, Hirokazu: Honda, Sumihisa: u.a.: Game-related behaviors among children and adolescents after school closure during the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional study. [2022]
Ugochukwu, Ngozi Joyceline: Agah, John: Ibiam, Julie U.: Influence of television viewing among preschoolers anti-social behaviours. [2022]
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